Know Everything about becoming a Member
Every member or affiliate is bound to further, to the best of his ability, the objects, interests and influence of the Society.
A Member of the Society is expected to be current and committed in the payment of his dues and levies as may be imposed by Council.
A SFASN student membership is an awesome way to prepare for a successful scientific / forensic career.
- Networking opportunities
- An opportunity to develop your leadership and management skills.
- Professional development seminars.
- Regularly scheduled meetings that allow you to get advice from fellow members
- Career support
- SFASN Annual Conference and Workshops
Professional MEMBERSHIP
A SFASN professional membership is tailored to our members’ unique needs at different stages of their engineering careers.
- Access to a community of forensic expertsboth globally and locally
- Networking opportunities
- Leadership Training and Experience
- Diversity Training
- Regularly scheduled meetings that allow you to get advice from fellow members
- Career Management
- SFASN Annual Conference and Workshops
SFASN helps organizations support their leadership training, achieve their recruitment and retention goals and advance their staff careers.
To learn more about becoming an organizational Member, email us at
- All membership purchases are non-refundable